Thursday, 1 December 2011

Good feedback!

Well - nearly a whole term of teaching information literacy to HE students in a mixed economy FE/HE college! A team of 3 subject librarians have undertaken this task (2 full time equivalents)

We carefully saved and collated all feedback forms from the learners; these were graded responses to a maximum of 4 questions relating to the learning outcomes. The grades were 1-2-3-4-5 set out with sad and smiley faces at appropriate ends! Each form also had space for additional written comments.

As well as being personally encouraging for individuals and allowing reflection as a team, the forms have been analysed and turned by our Library Manager into bar charts, pie name it...! The upshot is that over 80% of learners were grading the sessions at 4 or 5 - a fantastic result! The written comments were also very encouraging and used to advertise the sessions on the staff intranet.

Further feedback has come from members of staff by email and also via a Board of Study where an official commendation was made; followed by a commendation being sent to the College Board.
We are, however, reluctant to rest on our laurels! We know only too well some of the problems with our sessions and the need to sort these out before autumn 2012.

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