Saturday, 5 November 2011

Social media / social networking

Thing 12 - well, I have spoken about this before. I'm not sure that online communities are much different to the real thing; does it all depend upon an individual's personality traits? Are you more likely to interact online if you find large social gatherings a bit of a trial? Interesting.

I've followed a few more library people via twitter - including Phil Bradley  This is useful and always brings up something interesting each day.

I've also saved some searches on twitter and have been intruiged by the links thrown up by Library Camp 2011, Infolit and others.

I will definitely carry on using social networks. However, it would be good to look out for opportunities to meet up in reality with others in the same field. Teachmeets would be a good idea, or something similarly low in cost.

1 comment:

  1. Are you more likely to free instagram followers tra interact online if you find large social gatherings a bit of a trial? Interesting.
